Importing a custom visual – Creating Reports

Importing a custom visual The visuals included in Power BI out of the box will cover many use cases and be enough for most scenarios. If there are scenarios where the built-in visuals are not solving the requirements, then you should explore the custom visuals that have been made by many different developers found in […]

Using anomaly detection – Performing Advanced Analysis

Using anomaly detection One of the great ways to find outliers is using the built-in Find anomalies tool in the Analysis pane of a visualization in Power BI. This feature of Power BI uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities to identify which data points are most different from other values in your data. The purpose of […]

Applying sorting – Enhancing Reports

Applying sorting By default, Power BI will sort data alphanumerically. Fortunately, this is case insensitive, but it still could be a limiting factor for using Power BI. After all, April is not the first month of the year. Figure 11.18 – This is not the order the months of the year should be in We […]

Grouping and binning – Performing Advanced Analysis

Grouping and binning Grouping and binning are techniques used by analysts and statisticians to better understand data and draw insights from it. For example, you might sell products that have various sizes, such as extra small, small, medium, large, extra large, and 2X large. When you look at the sales data, the number of extra […]

Using drillthrough and cross-filter – Enhancing Reports

Using drillthrough and cross-filter When creating reports, you may want to have a page of summary information and then pages with more detailed information for specific categories or subsets of data. In these cases, you can use the drillthrough feature to start viewing a report page at a wider and more general level and then […]

Binning – Performing Advanced Analysis

Binning Binning is much like grouping except it’s for numbers and dates. It’s a way to turn continuous numbers into categorical fields. You create a bin by right-clicking on the numerical or date field you want to bin and selecting New group, just the same as for a categorical value. Figure 13.9 – Binning your […]

Exporting report data – Enhancing Reports

Exporting report data Although Power BI can be used to create awesome, interactive, digital-first reports, sometimes your report consumers might want to export the data from a visual. They may want this data for further analysis. They may want to use Power BI to filter a dataset down to the exact subset of data they […]

Decomposition tree visual – Performing Advanced Analysis

Decomposition tree visual Similar to the key influencers visualization, the decomposition tree visual also lets you see your data across multiple dimensions. You can use it for improvised exploration and conducting root cause analysis. The decomposition tree visualization can be found in the Visualizations pane. Once you have added it to the report, you start […]

Summary – Performing Advanced Analysis

Summary What a fun chapter! These more advanced features of Power BI are phenomenal. They allow you to get a much deeper understanding of how data points in your dataset interact with, influence, and affect your business. In this chapter, we covered how to identify outliers and anomalies in your data. You saw, ever so […]

Using workspaces – Managing Workspaces

Using workspaces Power BI workspaces are places in the Power BI service where datasets, reports, and dashboards can be hosted or published for multiple users to use. Power BI Desktop is typically used to publish reports and datasets to workspaces; however, the service provides a REST API in which custom applications can interact with workspaces, […]