Importing a custom visual – Creating Reports

Importing a custom visual The visuals included in Power BI out of the box will cover many use cases and be enough for most scenarios. If there are scenarios where the built-in visuals are not solving the requirements, then you should explore the custom visuals that have been made by many different developers found in […]

Applying sorting – Enhancing Reports

Applying sorting By default, Power BI will sort data alphanumerically. Fortunately, this is case insensitive, but it still could be a limiting factor for using Power BI. After all, April is not the first month of the year. Figure 11.18 – This is not the order the months of the year should be in We […]

Exporting report data – Enhancing Reports

Exporting report data Although Power BI can be used to create awesome, interactive, digital-first reports, sometimes your report consumers might want to export the data from a visual. They may want this data for further analysis. They may want to use Power BI to filter a dataset down to the exact subset of data they […]

Using the selection pane – Enhancing Reports

Using the selection pane The Selection pane allows you to do three things: control the layer order, control the tab order, and show and hide elements on the reporting page. The Select pane can be toggled on and off from the View tab, the same as the Bookmarks panel. Figure 11.3 – The Selection panel […]

Optimizing the performance of a dashboard – Creating Dashboards

Optimizing the performance of a dashboard The Power BI service includes the ability to diagnose poor performance in dashboards. The performance inspector will review the dashboard that has been created and make recommendations to increase the performance of the dashboard. To open the performance inspector, click Performance inspector under the File menu when viewing the […]

Using bookmarks – Enhancing Reports

Using bookmarks Power BI installs with many visuals you can use to tell your data story. These visuals allow you to highlight the data you want in order to explain insights you have discovered in your data that lead to actions your business can take. Bookmarks allow you to save the page as it is […]

Configuring navigation for a report – Enhancing Reports

Configuring navigation for a report Having a clear path to navigate your report goes together with the concept of using data to tell your story. Clear report navigation allows your report users to move from one page in your report to the next, move from one visual to another, and return to where they started. […]

Interactions between visuals – Enhancing Reports

Interactions between visuals One of the key powers that Power BI has is its ability to cross-filter and cross-highlight visualizations. This power creates dynamic reports that allow users to interact with the data to explore the relationships between data points, creating new insights. As the report creator, you can control how visuals interact with each […]

Designing and configuring for accessibility – Creating Reports

Designing and configuring for accessibility It is important to think of all the different types of users and the methods with which users will interact with your Power BI reports. Some users may have visual or physical impairments and Power BI has the capabilities to make reports inclusive, as well as features to help ensure […]

Adding a smart narrative visual – Creating Reports

Adding a smart narrative visual They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. That may be so, but sometimes you just might want some words to explain what is happening in your data. The smart narrative visualization will quickly summarize visuals and reports and put that summarization into text. It provides relevant innovative […]