Importing a custom visual – Creating Reports

Importing a custom visual The visuals included in Power BI out of the box will cover many use cases and be enough for most scenarios. If there are scenarios where the built-in visuals are not solving the requirements, then you should explore the custom visuals that have been made by many different developers found in […]

Grouping and binning – Performing Advanced Analysis

Grouping and binning Grouping and binning are techniques used by analysts and statisticians to better understand data and draw insights from it. For example, you might sell products that have various sizes, such as extra small, small, medium, large, extra large, and 2X large. When you look at the sales data, the number of extra […]

Decomposition tree visual – Performing Advanced Analysis

Decomposition tree visual Similar to the key influencers visualization, the decomposition tree visual also lets you see your data across multiple dimensions. You can use it for improvised exploration and conducting root cause analysis. The decomposition tree visualization can be found in the Visualizations pane. Once you have added it to the report, you start […]

Using the selection pane – Enhancing Reports

Using the selection pane The Selection pane allows you to do three things: control the layer order, control the tab order, and show and hide elements on the reporting page. The Select pane can be toggled on and off from the View tab, the same as the Bookmarks panel. Figure 11.3 – The Selection panel […]

Using bookmarks – Enhancing Reports

Using bookmarks Power BI installs with many visuals you can use to tell your data story. These visuals allow you to highlight the data you want in order to explain insights you have discovered in your data that lead to actions your business can take. Bookmarks allow you to save the page as it is […]

Configuring the report page – Creating Reports

Configuring the report page Much like visualizations, report pages themselves can be configured. As you are only configuring the page, you will not see a General or Visual area; instead, you will only see the Format page area. Figure 9.37 – Configuration of report pages You use the Page information area to change the page […]